Mario Barth Tattoos Tommy Lee on Private Jet
We're guessing for a tattoo artist to make it into the Guinness Book of World records it must have been one wild ride, especially when Tommy Lee is involved. Well, looks like we guessed right. Famed Tattoo Artist Mario Barth "inked" his name into Guiness' history when he tattooed Tommy Lee at 40,000 feet in the air. Barth, a true pioneer in the industry is also an inventor. He's responsible for creating sterile one-time use inks called the One Caps by INTENZE.
His dedicated client list comes from his dedication to them. "I have absolutely no emotions attached to a tattoo" says Barth. "I just try to attach my emotions to the client." Barth Also prides himself on performing reconstructive tattoos on cancer patients. "It's a rewarding balance to the art pieces I do", hey says.